Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today is a good day.

To be

both the narrator & Tyler Durden

a rubik's cube that if solved re-scrambles itself

a birch tree shadow

standing at the equator, cliffside, looking up as the sun shifts above bringing nighttime to your past and a morning twenty seconds ahead

is to be you.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Poem ofthe Day

By Kim Addonizio

What happened, happened once. So now it’s best
in memory—an orange he sliced: the skin
unbroken, then the knife, the chilled wedge
lifted to my mouth, his mouth, the thin
membrane between us, the exquisite orange,
tongue, orange, my nakedness and his,
the way he pushed me up against the fridge—
Now I get to feel his hands again, the kiss
that didn’t last, but sent some neural twin
flashing wildly through the cortex. Love’s
merciless, the way it travels in
and keeps emitting light. Beside the stove
we ate an orange. And there were purple flowers
on the table. And we still had hours.