Friday, March 13, 2009

I Saw

a whale today! A wild whale!
The first few times the water sprayed I thought it was a wave crashing against the rock. But then the rock kept moving positions. Then I realized it was a whaallle!! A whiiittewhaaaale! At one point it poked its giant nose above the waves before spinning back below & curling its tail.
I gasped and pointed even though I was standing on the rocks all alone.

Also I turned in my senior project today...what what? Twenty pages of original poetry, sir. Done.

1 comment:

mikachu said...

i love all of this. that is so neat. it was in the waves??? i have never seen a whale that close to shore in person! awesome Cathie

aaaand fuck yeah go you on that senior project. i'd love to see your faves if you wouldn't mind.